The Science Behind Teamwork

Posted By: Katy Fleming ICOR Blog & News,

Why Joining Forces Leads to Greater Success
"Lean on your neighbor. They’re right next to you doing the same repetitions and will help you accomplish more than you could on your own. It’s a scientific fact."

These were the motivating words of my Body Pump class instructor today. And she was so right. There's no chance I would have done as many squats, lunges, or lifted that bar over my head as many times if I had been in the gym by myself. There are familiar faces in my class. I have formed friendships. When I was out for weeks due to illness, they cheered for me when I walked back into the room. They all said, "Take it slow so you don't hurt yourself." They didn't care at all that I dove back in by lifting the smallest amount of weight of anyone in the room. They know my vulnerabilities, and they support my strength.

I see the exact same dynamic play out in the Real Estate Investor Mastermind groups I lead in collaboration with ICOR. Each member creates goals and action plans and shares them with one another, creating a sense of accountability. Regular check-ins and progress reports ensure that members stay on track with their commitments. Members maintain momentum and avoid procrastination.

Real estate investing can also be stressful and isolating, particularly when things don’t go as planned. Having a
community where people can feel safe in letting down their guard and be vulnerable helps them stay resilient in the face of setbacks. The group helps them come back to center, revisit their goals, figure out how to pivot when needed and feel safe to ask for feedback and support. The openness of the group and sense of belonging and understanding is a powerful motivator. This openness fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

The Scientific Evidence on Community Support and Goal Accomplishment
Working within a community isn't just a feel-good strategy, it's backed by solid scientific evidence. Research consistently shows that individuals who engage in group efforts are more successful in accomplishing difficult goals compared to those who work alone. This phenomenon can be attributed to several psychological and physiological factors.

Enhanced Motivation and Persistence
Research has consistently shown that social support enhances motivation and persistence in pursuing goals. A study published in the National Institutes of Health 1 found that individuals who received encouragement and support from others were more likely to stay committed to their goals and show greater persistence in the face of challenges.

Increased Accountability
Being part of a community creates a sense of accountability. When individuals share their goals with others they respect, they feel a greater sense of responsibility to follow through.

A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology demonstrated that people who set goals in a group setting were more likely to achieve them compared to those who set goals individually. The social pressure and expectation from the group can serve as powerful motivators.

Emotional Support and Stress Reduction
Emotional support from a community can significantly reduce stress and improve overall well-being. According to the American Psychological Association individuals with strong social support networks experience lower levels of stress and are better equipped to handle difficult situations. This emotional resilience can be crucial in maintaining focus and determination when working towards challenging goals.

Shared Knowledge and Collective Problem-Solving
Communities provide access to a wealth of shared knowledge and collective problem-solving capabilities. A study in the Harvard Business Review found that teams often outperform individuals in solving complex problems and generating innovative ideas. The diverse perspectives in environments where people feel psychologically safe lead to more effective strategies and solutions, enhancing individual and group success.

Social Contagion and Positive Behavior Reinforcement
Social contagion theory suggests that behaviors and attitudes can spread through social networks. Research on social contagion suggests that individuals are more likely to adopt healthy behaviors, such as exercising regularly and eating healthily, when their friends and family do the same. This ripple effect can create a supportive environment that encourages and reinforces empathy, positive behaviors and habits, contributing to goal

Among real estate investors participating in Mastermind groups, I am fortunate to witness members sharing success habits such as time management techniques that become adopted by all the group’s members.

Higher Rates of Success in Group Settings
Multiple studies have highlighted the higher rates of success achieved in group settings compared to individual efforts. For example, research conducted by Stanford found that entrepreneurs who participated in peer support groups were more successful in launching and growing their businesses compared to those who worked alone. The support, feedback, and shared experiences within the group played a critical role in their success.
Improved Mental Health and Well-Being
Strong social connections and community support have been linked to improved mental health and well-being. According to a study by Stanford Medicine’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, individuals with robust social support networks are less likely to experience depression and anxiety. This positive mental health impact can enhance focus, motivation, and overall performance in pursuing goals.

Elevate Your Success by Joining the ICOR Mastermind Program
The scientific evidence is clear: being part of a supportive community significantly enhances the likelihood of achieving difficult goals. The ICOR Mastermind, in collaboration with Investors Network Community (INC), offers a community of support that increases your motivation, and provides accountability, emotional support, shared knowledge, positive behavior reinforcement, and improved mental health.

Meetings are professionally facilitated to ensure that every member has adequate time for the group to brainstorm their needs. Members use their action plans as a guide to stay clear, accountable, and on track. This combination of a well-defined plan, supported by the group’s brainstorming and safe community support, will accelerate your success in ways that can’t be accomplished on your own. For more information and to set up a
call to learn more, click on:

1. National Institutes of Health
2. Journal of Applied Psychology:
3. American Psychological Association
4. Harvard Business Review:
5. Michigan State University:
6. Stanford Social Innovation Review:
7. Stanford Medicine: