September @ ICOR

ICOR Blog & News,

Colorado Springs Chapter Meeting | Tuesday, Sept 12th
Denver Chapter Meeting | Tuesday, September 17th
Fort Collins Chapter Meeting | Thursday, September 20th

As real estate investors, we often focus on past performance by analyzing comparable properties. However, success hinges on predicting future performance, which requires a shift in focus from historical data to understanding the development path. This approach is what large developers and retailers use to identify growth opportunities before they become obvious.

The key to future success lies in tracking local economic trends, city planning, infrastructure projects, and zoning changes—factors that signal where demand will rise. While many smaller investors overlook this, the groundwork has already been laid by larger players. By leveraging this information, we can position ourselves ahead of the curve.

Monetizing data means going beyond reactive analysis and using available information to predict and capitalize on future trends. By understanding the broader development path, we can make smarter investments in areas poised for growth, rather than relying solely on past performance. In today’s data-rich environment, our role as investors is not just to interpret data but to monetize it—transforming insights into actions that lead to long-term success.

Join ICOR in September we’re gonna make you rethink your dependence on Comp’ing, and add another tool to help you proactively arrive at the path of development sooner than later!