Building Success with Integrity: The Importance of Values Alignment for Real Estate Investors

Posted By: Katy Fleming ICOR Blog & News,

Achieving long-term success as a real estate investor goes beyond financial gains. It requires aligning our values with our investment strategies and practices.  Values alignment in real estate investing and all of life fosters integrity and contributes to sustainable success.

On a Personal Level...

  • Values alignment becomes the fuel that ignites our passion, motivation, and
    perseverance as entrepreneurs.
  •  When we align our values with our ventures, we tap into a deep well of
    inspiration, allowing us to weather the storms and overcome the inevitable
    obstacles that come our way.
  •  By staying true to our values, we chart a course that resonates with our authentic
    selves, creating a sense of purpose and direction that propels us toward success

How Do We Figure Out Our Values?
Our values often come from experiences we had during life’s most meaningful events. There are some steps you can take to uncover the values you hold most dear, then use them as a foundation that keeps you grounded.
•Think about a positive experience in your life that was especially meaningful. What values were you honoring?
•What about a time when you experienced negative emotions? What wasn’t being honored?

Write a Personal Values Statement
•Write 5-10 values that are most important to you.
•Which ones are non-negotiable?
•Write a value statement: “In my life and business, I will keep the core values of ____________ front and center in the decisions I make and actions I take.”

Post your statement somewhere near your work space as a daily reminder to guide your pursuits.

The Benefits of Values Alignment in Real Estate Investing 
Values alignment in real estate investing involves aligning our beliefs, principles, and ethical standards with the way we conduct transactions and manage properties. Examining case studies of real estate investors who have achieved success through values alignment provides valuable insights. By operating in accordance with our

  • We establish trust, transparency, respect and long-lasting relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders.
  • People want to continue doing business with those investors who have proven a commitment to ethical conduct. As Burg and Mann, authors of the book, 'Go-Giver' so famously said, “People do business with people they know, like and trust.”
  • Values-aligned investments are better positioned to align with market trends and contribute to sustainable growth, creating long-term value for both investors and communities.
  • Integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment strategies ensures the portfolio reflects a holistic approach to responsible investing.

The Challenges Are Worth the Commitment
Maintaining values alignment may come with challenges. Real estate investors must navigate ethical dilemmas and conflicting interests. Strategies for overcoming these challenges include staying true to personal values, seeking advice from mentors, and actively engaging in ongoing evaluation and adaptation. By embracing the journey and making conscious choices that align with our values, we can uphold integrity and sustain long-term success.

By keeping our commitment to standing by our values, we can experience satisfaction and alignment, and achieve financial prosperity while having a positive impact on the world around us.

Want to align your values and get support for reaching your goals so you can live the life of your dreams?

Investors often find that “going solo is so slow.” While many investors are self-disciplined and directed, working with a small team helps you stay aligned with your values and fast-forwards you in accomplishing your goals.

The ICOR Mastermind Program is the ideal structure to keep you accountable and on-track through a small
supportive community.

What is the ICOR Mastermind Program?
The ICOR Mastermind Program is a collaboration with the Investors Network Community (INC) Mastermind Program. It is a structured and facilitated meeting with a consistent group of colleagues who honor one another’s values and who share a commitment to each other's success. Think of it as meeting for coffee with a small group
of colleagues, but with a focused agenda led by a facilitator.

Each member gets dedicated time to discuss their goals, plans, and challenges, receiving valuable input and accountability from the group. The structure ensures that discussions remain productive, contributing to each member’s growth and success.

The ICOR Mastermind is affordable for every level of investor and utilizes the INC Program’s facilitator to run the group. The facilitator is responsible for organizing and managing the sessions, ensuring they stay focused and productive, and following up with procedures to keep members accountable to their commitments. The goal is not just camaraderie but specific, goal-oriented discussions and processes that propel your real estate career forward.

To learn more and to schedule a call where you can ask questions and find out if a Mastermind is right for you, go to