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Roth Conversions: Maximizing Tax-Free Growth in Your IRA – Zachary Wilson

Quest IRA Bootcamp 3 of 4

Monday, February 12, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (MST)


Event Details

Would you like to have tax-free growth on your investments? You can with a Roth IRA! Roth IRAs are one of the most powerful types of accounts you can have, and if used properly, allow you to have tax-free income when you retire. But what if your money is in a pre-tax retirement account? You can still convert that money to a Roth IRA, and there is no income limitation for converting tax-deferred funds to a Roth. If you are interested in growing your retirement account tax-free, then this is one class you cannot afford to miss.

What You Will Learn in This Class:

  • What is a Roth Conversion and how does it work?
  • Who qualifies for a Roth Conversion?
  • What are the benefits of a Roth Conversion?
  • What is a backdoor Roth?


Attend the webinars and have a chance to win a ticket to the Quest Expo in Dallas, in June, 2024 ($450 value). Details will be explained during the webinars. 

For More Information:

Troy Miller
Troy Miller
Executive Director, ICOR (970)682-4267
Our Presenter:
Zachary Wilson,
IRA Specialist

Zachary Wilson is an IRA Specialist at Quest Trust Company. Originally from New Orleans, Zach attended Louisiana State University and began his career as a Chemical Engineer. After a couple of years, he realized that he wanted to take his life in a different direction and packed everything up and moved to Houston to pursue a degree in Finance at the University of Houston. Even then, the traditional route of a normal Finance major didn’t seem like the right fit. That’s when he found Quest. He started his career at Quest over 5 years ago on Quest’s internal auditing team. In this position, his team reviewed every investment that came through Quest, and through this, he learned in detail how investments are structured. After that, he joined the IRA Specialist team, allowing him to get a different perspective. Now not only does he know how most investments are structured at Quest, but he also understands the networking and business development that make those deals possible. Quest has had a profound impact on his life and the way he views his own personal investments, and he enjoys sharing that knowledge with others and giving them the tools to help reach their financial goals.