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iCORE SKILLS: Negotiations with Maria Giordano

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (MDT)


Event Details

Negotiations with Maria Giordano

When you negotiate, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. It’s a learned skill that 90% of investors ignore or believe they do well. More money is left on the table and fewer deals are found because most investors aren’t negotiators. As a result, they don’t know how to negotiate with sellers. This ICORE  Skills Session seeks to tip the scales in your favor!

Concepts we'll cover:

  • Letting your negotiations simmer. The importance of pace and patience
  • Why “Yes” is bad and “No” is good.
  • Know how to effectively label your counterpart's emotions during the negotiation
  • Mirroring—the skills of active listening. Calming the schizophrenic.
  • The Ackerman principle for negotiating price. How to use extreme anchors to get you your price.

Psssst…. This works…..

Contractors, wanting to buy a new car, get your employer to give you a raise and even negotiating bedtimes with your kids, too!

For More Information:

Troy Miller
Troy Miller
Executive Director, ICOR (970)682-4267


Maria Giordano