When you negotiate, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. It’s a learned skill that 90% of investors ignore or believe they do well. More money is left on the table and fewer deals are found because most investors aren’t negotiators. As a result, they don’t know how to negotiate with sellers. This ICORE Skills Session seeks to tip the scales in your favor!
Concepts we'll cover:
Letting your negotiations simmer. The importance of pace and patience
Why “Yes” is bad and “No” is good.
Know how to effectively label your counterpart's emotions during the negotiation
Mirroring—the skills of active listening. Calming the schizophrenic.
The Ackerman principle for negotiating price. How to use extreme anchors to get you your price.
Psssst…. This works…..
Contractors, wanting to buy a new car, get your employer to give you a raise and even negotiating bedtimes with your kids, too!