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Denver Chapter | Real Estate Speed Networking with Local Investors

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM (MST)

Event Details

For those who are coming who like to prepare we suggest you bring:

  • Your Elevator Pitch, be sure to practice
  • Your Business Cards
  • A Flyer of What You Have to Offer

If you are more of a seat-of-your-pants kind of flyer, don't sweat it:

  • Just remember who are you?
  • How can you help other investors?
  • How can we reach you?

We will have our normal Networking Hour from 6 to 7 - this is a great time to meet face and use the following conversation starters

  • What brought you to ICOR tonight
  • What would you most like to do in real estate in 2023.
  • What's the biggest lesson you have learned so far in this business?
  • is there one mistake you would warn people about who are just getting started?

Depending on you, who you’re talking with, or where you are at in your business journey - any of the above questions would be good primers for conversation with new people.  

Keep in mind, we REMEMBER best those who have helped us along the way… be that someone, and make the most out of March’s event.

For More Information:

Troy Miller
Troy Miller
Executive Director, ICOR (970)682-4267
Our Meeting Agenda
  • 6:00 p –Market News and Update with optional networking
  • 6:30 p – Haves & Wants
  • 7:15 p – Main Meeting Presentation
  • 8:45 p – Meeting Adjourn
*Meetings are free for first time guests. $20 for returning guests.

(Your guest fee can be applied to your membership should you decide to join at the event)