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Organization Overview

Helping You Throughout All Stages In Life!

We represent families throughout varying stages of life:

- Traditional two-parent families or single parents wishing to provide for and protect their children and themselves

- Unmarried couples who are either solidifying their relationship through proper planning or dissolving their relationship with the assistance of caring counsel

- Blended families negotiating the challenges of creating new relationships with varying expectations

- Families with special needs looking to ensure that their children with special needs will be taken care of and able to continue to receive government assistance

- High net-worth families seeking strategies for minimizing estate and income taxes

- Estate executors and beneficiaries navigating the court process of probate administration

- And, family members or trustees carrying out the legacy left behind through a trust administration.

Special Offer

Schedule a FREE 15 consult and receive a copy of Pamela Maass's estate planning book

Visit to schedule a FREE 15-minute estate planning consultation

And visit for a digital version of "Legally Ever After: Estate Planning for Parents, the 6-Step Plan to Protect Your Children's Happiness and Future"
Pam Maass
Pam Maass Attorney
Kimberly Amarosa Paralegal
Steve Morgan OF Counsel
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